Chapter 288: Decennial Grand Selection of Inheriting Vein Ceremony [Seeking Subscription]

When they set off, there were only a thousand people on the magic-driven vehicle, but when they returned, there were over fifty thousand people.

But after half a year of getting used to each other, the thousand disciples were very familiar with each other, and the whole magic-driven vehicle was still well-organized, without any chaos.

The interior space was very ample, not even half of the living space was occupied, so for everyone, the return journey was even more relaxed.

They journeyed at their own pace, skillfully passing through many countries and wilderness, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten days had passed.

That day, they once again passed through a dynasty and entered the last wilderness before returning to the Sect.

After passing through this wilderness, they would enter the small clan territory on the periphery of the Sect.