Chapter 305: Easy to provoke Yama, tough to deal with the little ghosts!

Early the next morning, Wang Zijia carried on with his routine as always, he got up, practiced his fists, and ate his breakfast.


During breakfast, a notification suddenly pinged. Both Wang Zijia and Xiang FeiFei stopped their eating at the same time.

Wang Zijia flipped over his hand and took out his Identity token. Upon examination, it turned out to be a notice sent by the Secular Courtyard.

"Notice: Dao Child Wang Zijia, after our preliminary review, it has been confirmed that your sect establishment is legitimate. Starting from today, Tianhong Demon Suppression Sect has been established."

"As the founder of the Demon Suppression Sect, you can now apply for welfare on behalf of the disciples of the sect including Cultivation Methods, Spells, as well as a quota for certain Cultivation Resources. The current quota: Ten thousand per century."