Chapter 308: Curse Medium [Seeking Monthly Tickets, Seeking Subscriptions]

"Building a tower? The Great Hall in the Faction? This place isn't enough for that!" Yan Yuankai shook his head immediately upon hearing Wang Zijia's words.

"No, all the buildings in the Faction are placed down there. I want to build a Transmission Tower here." Wang Zijia pointed to the center of the open space and said, "Senior brother, you know, I come from the Preachers' background and probably won't change professions later on."

"I plan to build a high tower here, and then dig up some of the mediocre Spirit Peach Trees outside of this peach forest to create a Peach Forest Dojo, letting disciples listen to the lecture in the forest."

Upon hearing this, Yan Yuankai raised his eyebrow and looked at Wang Zijia, "Beneath the ten-mile blooming peach blossoms, junior brother preaching on the rooftop. Isn't that the grandeur of falling blossoms and ground gushing golden lotus? Good thought, junior brother!"