Chapter 333: Carrying Countless Lei Ting, Invoking Dragon Spear to Fall_2

With the elongation of his fingers, the blood jade talisman burst into a sky full of spiritual light. Underneath, more than thirty long spears materialized once again, densely packed and illuminating half of the sky.

Beneath them, the ghost tree was uneasy, and its dark, fleshy roots started to gather at the top of the mountain.


With a light snort from Wang Zijia, the spears streaked across the sky like shooting stars, as if fifty or sixty meteorites were falling from the sky simultaneously.


With a massive shriek, and dragging long tails of flame, they fell on top of Coal Mountain with the terrifying momentum of lightning.

"Boom, Boom!"

Explosion after explosion rocked the mountain. The spears shattered into countless crystal fragments flying in all directions, slicing the black roots meant to block them into pieces.