Chapter 349: The Third Red Copper Weight [Seeking Subscription, Seeking Monthly Ticket]

"Hee haw...heehaw..."

With the sounding of the fishing drum's Brahma sound, the paper donkey opened its mouth and let out a few donkey cries.

At the same time, it spat out a sphere of the essence of water. Below Mo Yunzi, it formed into an ordinary donkey, carrying Mo Yunzi on its back.

The only odd thing was its sitting posture - it was riding backwards!

Immortal Elder Temple, fishing drum Brahma sound, paper donkey into a real donkey, Dream God Record of Lao Zhuang?

Why does he feel such a strong sense of déjà vu?

Looking at Mo Yunzi, who was riding on the donkey, holding the fishing drum, with the paper donkey wandering around, his hair and beard all white, yet his face youthful, Wang Zijia felt somehow familiar, as if he had heard about him before.

The feeling of déjà vu was so strong!

It was as if he had never met Mo Yunzi before, but he felt extremely familiar with him.