Chapter 359: Statues Suppressing Boundaries Can Summon Gods!

Meaning it only had a transformative function at this time, extracting the incense required an entrance, an anchor?

As the thought crossed his mind, he examined the two incomplete Imperial Sealing Talisman Summons within his mind space.

Why not risk it? He didn't know what purpose this battered thing still served. Use one as a refining material, if it failed, it wouldn't be a massive loss. If he succeeded though, it would be unbelievable!

With this thought, he didn't hesitate any longer.

To make sure, he transformed himself into a Skin Demon and went to the Chaotic Sea of Knowledge carrying the item.

Although this place greatly amplified mind manipulation and illusion techniques, it also slightly enhanced other spells, just not to an absurd extent.

He again took the Stone Bead primary object and, with a turn of his wrist, produced a considerably larger amount of spiritual materials than he had during his previous attempt.