Chapter 368: The Boundary Altar Appears!

The deafening sound, accompanied by intense explosive energy, spread out in all directions like a massive ring of fire.

Wherever it went, the wilderness was vaporized instantly. After it spread for several miles, it turned into an ordinary shock wave and continued to expand.

Many disciples who were too close were thrown high up by the shockwave, tumbling in the air. Some unfortunate ones even spat out a mouthful of blood, understanding the caution required when spectating.

A mushroom cloud slowly rose from the center of the flame ring.

The fiery color, with a crystal sand-like sheen, left countless disciples staring blankly.

'Good grief, it's almost like the super express delivery in my previous life. I am basically a human-shaped nuclear bomb! The effect of the complete rune spell in the Lower Realm really strengthened it by a lot...'

Wang Zijia looked at this scene, somewhat startled by himself.