Chapter 370: Another 10 Years in a Flash [Seeking Subscriptions, Seeking Monthly Tickets]

Wang Zijia nodded and asked, "How long have I been healing?"

"Master, you've been in the forbidden area for 41 days, but in the outside world, it's been 11 years!" a disciple immediately replied.

Wang Zijia was slightly surprised and asked, "Is everything fine in the outside world?"

"All is well, with your Avatar defending, there wasn't any major problem in the sect. Just the development progress of the Qinglian Continent is somewhat slow, about one-third of it still hasn't been developed."

A disciple hurriedly replied while sending a message.

"What happened to the Demonic Battlefield where I previously fought? Has there been any movement?" Wang Zijia questioned further.

"No, that place was sealed off by the head teacher, with patrolling taking place everyday. So far, no issues have been detected." The disciple who was assigned to guard the door was obviously of a high rank and knew quite a lot about the situation.