Chapter 376: A Shocking Collision of Divine Powers in the Void!_2

He wasn't dreaming; he was really in a spirit liquid pool.

His internal cultivation method was frantically working, constantly refining the strange spiritual liquid.

"Glug! Glug!"

As soon as he woke up, he realized where he was, and without hesitation, he began to gulp it down again.

Above the Ascension Pool, the three big shots who had just closed their eyes, simultaneously opened them: "······"

At the edge of Ascension Pool, Gu Wenhe, who had once supervised Wang Zijia's work in the lower realm, watched Wang Zijia forcibly gulp down the spirit liquid and was momentarily dumbstruck.

The atmosphere suddenly became eerie!

Among the three god monarchs, Tian Letong, who had watched Wang Zijia a few more times when he had been in the lower realm, shook his head speechlessly and said, "I think I understand why he advances so rapidly!"

Two God Monarchs: "·····"

Gu Wenhe: "·····"