Chapter 410: Sacrifice and Refinement of a Magic Treasure!!! _2

"No problem at all." Zhou Zhiyong laughed heartily and said, "In the past, the data was indeed a weak spot. However, assuming that there are no basic fees, just commissions, quite a few clans of sacrificial wine brewers choose to take a chance."

"Junior brother, you don't have any objections to taking on a second-grade assignment, do you?"

"No objections. Let's get the data first and then talk about the rest. I get it!" Wang Zijia nodded in agreement.

Even in his previous life, it was rare for an attorney to take on a big case at the onset, right?


The two casually chatted about a variety of matters.

"Let's leave it at that then. You can just go home and wait for the notification, junior brother."

Zhou Zhiyong stood up to see him out.

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Zhou!" Wang Zijia said as he took out three jade talismans and continued,