Chapter 422: Picked Up a Spiritual Object for Free

After getting his answer, Wang Zijia first drew his hand to take and inspect the secret book on the street stall. Once he confirmed there were no issues, he tossed out a hundred thousand magic money and a secret book.

In fact, trading secret books was the simplest thing because in this era, faking a secret book was as difficult as pioneering a new path.

Once the authenticity and completeness of the secret book were confirmed, there would almost never be any omission or errors.

'What kind of person, he said I was nitpicking, ten thousand magic money and ten two spiritual essences, the exchange difference is not even made up! That's being stingy!'

After the puppet inspected the secret book and carefully put it away, it counted the magic money, there were exactly a hundred thousand, watching Wang Zijia's departing figure, it was resentful.