Chapter 424: Avoiding Disaster or a Misunderstanding? [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

"Greetings to the Divine Monarch Xuan Yan!"

"Paying respects to the Divine Monarch Xuan Yan!"


At that moment, everyone came to their senses, one after another they paid their respects.

Xuan Yan, the Daoist name for Shi Xinyu, and henceforth, he would be known as Master Xuan Yan!

"Everyone, your politeness is much appreciated, I have some injuries today, so I would not be able to spend much time with you all, please accept my apologies!" The Divine Monarch Xuan Yan, Shi Xinyu, bowed to the crowd, and was then escorted away quickly by the two Patriarchs of the Shi family.

Wang Zijia watched him leave, and suddenly felt that perhaps the brutal struggle within the Shi family was not entirely a bad thing.

However, for him, he still didn't like that kind of environment.

Perhaps for the Calculation Cultivators practicing intrigue, indeed, it may not be a bad environment, but for ordinary people, it was too harsh.