Chapter 428 Task to Avoid Misfortune

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Xiumin returned to the room, saying, "Let's go, the Patriarch has some free time now."

"My gratitude to you Senior Sister!" Wang Zijia immediately got up and paid his respects.

Zhang Xiumin didn't say a word but turned and left.

Wang Zijia immediately followed.

The interior of the Heavenly Inquiry Tower was vast. Following Zhang Xiumin through numerous areas, they arrived at a staircase leading upstairs. They climbed continuously up to the private floor of the Tower's head, the eighth floor.

"Patriarch, I have brought him here!"

Zhang Xiumin brought Wang Zijia to a familiar-looking study room that resembled the standard construction of most Fu Towers in the Outer Court.


The Head of the Tower, Zhang Decheng, was standing quietly by the window, looking out in the direction of the Main Peak.

It was unsure whether he was lost in thought or watching the movements on the Main Peak.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiumin quietly retreated.