Chapter 430: The second Dao Foundation upgrade

Wang Zijia contemplated, looking at the two items. Neither of them was of much use to him.

Having a human skin avatar, he didn't need these items. Thus, he finally chose the puppet, which was made of more valuable materials.

Seeing this, Liu Chengye casually put away the second mask box. Facing Wang Zijia, he made a bow and said, "I bid you farewell."

As Wang Zijia returned the bow, he initially thought of reciting some polite phrases.

But once Liu Chengye packed his things, he simply shattered right in front of Wang Zijia. It turned out that it was an avatar who came!

Wang Zijia: "...."

Why is the style of action of this dark department somehow familiar?

But for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

Wang Zijia was stunned for a moment before regaining his senses.
