Chapter 441: The Restless Demon_2

Name: Chu Ziyu

Spiritual Roots: Medium Grade Wood Spiritual Roots

Cultivation: Late Stage Sacrificial Wine

Dao Cultivation: 300 years (2 million/2 million)

Dao Foundation: Six Grades

Magic Door: Smoke Ghost Curse Spirit Method, Trace Intercepting Method, Righteous Qi Preserving Method······

Transferable Value: 2.36 million


He checked his information, especially searched for his various light Point Counterweights, and only relaxed after confirming there were no strange status weights.

This person's foundation was solid, not inferior to some of the long-standing pinnacle monks in the sect. It was evident that Chu Jiefu had put in a lot of effort into his training.

After confirming there was no problem, Wang Zijia came back to his senses and said, "Let's go!"

With those words, the two of them ascended onto the Blood Fiend Jade Shuttle.

The jade shuttle trembled and turned into a blood-colored streamer, flying towards the outside of the Wanyu Sect.
