Chapter 453: Infinite Stream Intervenes?

Wang Zijia was slightly behind, as he didn't dare to rush forward immediately and moved only after observing others' actions.

By the time he rushed in, there were only three light groups scattered on the ground. He grabbed the nearest one, a golden rune block.

The block felt light yet tangible in his hand, pulsating with an intense power. It seemed to be an entity born of pure energy.

Was it a talisman?

An Fu Treasure?

Or was it a disposable Talisman Weapon?

The overwhelming power that it held made Wang Zijia realize that this was no ordinary item!

It was a phenomenal seventh-grade Immortal Artifact, albeit with a slightly lacking internal power.

After grabbing all the remaining things, the monks hurriedly returned to the light shield area on the slope.

But then, bodies started to fall like rain from the sky. They fell in a chaotic mix of incandescent light and flickering gold, with blood and flesh scattered among them.