Chapter 464: Exposing the Foundation

Was this the type of conversation one was supposed to have with a tower owner?

Despite his speechlessness, he was quite pleased with Wang Zijia's respectful attitude toward him as an elder.

A faint, unnoticed smile made its way to his lips.

It was odd, considering they hadn't known each other for long, but they got along rather well.

They were birds of a feather, so to speak!

"The Sect obtained quite a bit this time!" declared Zhang Decheng, switching the topic habitually and decisively.

At this point, the spiritual tea was ready. Zhang Decheng waved his hand, sliding a cup of tea in front of Wang Zijia, while he picked one up and began to drink.

Wang Zijia's eyes sparkled, he immediately replied, "So, is the Sect going to reward its disciples with a set of eight Daoist Classics?"

"Splutter …" Zhang Decheng barely kept himself from spraying out his mouthful of spiritual tea.