Chapter 471: Becoming the Infant God Monarch at Last

With the appearance of Wang Zijia, many people around slightly levitated and bowed from afar.

Then, God Monarchs one after another discovered that Wang Zijia had already substituted himself for an avatar, subconsciously frowning.

Then they thought about Wang Zijia's identity as a Repository Guard, and there was a wave of sudden realization.

"I appreciate your respect. I have consumed a lot of energy crossing the tribulation today, so I won't stay for long. I'll visit each of you when I have time!"

Wang Zijia bowed to the crowd and said so.

"As it should be!"



The crowd responded in unison.

Then Wang Zijia bowed toward the Main Peak and the Demon Suppressing Tower. Two big shots were carefully sizing him up, not hiding their scrutiny at all!

Then he turned to Zhang Decheng and said, "Martial Uncle, I'll go down to rest first!"