Chapter 484: Many Treasures

Among them, in the False Infant Pseudo God chapter, the main points Wang Zijia had to deepen upon were several, including Transformation, the cultivation of False Spirits, and the Talisman Way.

To penetrate these paths, the main emphasis was on Cultivation Guidance and the Way of the Heart and Soul.

Although the Duobao Lava Demon World Chapter may seem complicated, in fact, the path ahead is much simpler. All that was required was learning various forging techniques that were in harmony, and finally, with the multiple treasures in hand, unleash the king's treasure and apply the method of returning all swords to the sect.

For a multitude of reasons, to be promoted to the middle stage of Infant God, he needed two fourth-grade low-level spells.

It was better to not rely on his own comprehension just yet. Even with the benefit of the Balance Scale, he still had to comprehend the primer by himself. That was not something that could be calculated in years alone.