Chapter 490: Disaster

First, there was a Wine Monk who came to make trouble, and Feng Haonan decisively invited Dong Chengye to quickly resolve the issue.

Then several Wine Demons were caught, which offended a minor sect of the Demonic Left Path that was entrenched in this region: the Bone-Refining Demonic Sect, completely dragging the Chengde Dynasty into the battlefield.

Many demons began to infiltrate Chengde and cause problems everywhere.

The recently stabilized dynasty fell once again into dire straits.

Although the Demon Suppression Bureau had the advantage in numbers, it severely lacked high-end power.

Including the personnel from the Qin Tian Supervision that was there previously, there was only one Perfected and six Wine Monks. Among them, two were cultivated experts who could not be commanded.

In this situation, the people from the demon sects quickly figured out the current situation in Chengde.

That day, they finally initiated a large-scale attack.
