Chapter 493: Devil Gate Dark Hall [Seeking Monthly Tickets]

He handed the objects to Kuang Weiping and said, "This is some information about the Bone-Refining Sect, which has been shaking up Chengde's atmosphere in recent times. It also includes the Sect Master's Order."

"The Bone-Refining Sect is almost emptied out, and their sect is full of low-level cultivators. You can capitalize on this situation with your inherited abilities, which make you akin to their direct disciples."

Kuang Weiping respectfully accepted the items and saluted the Demon Child Elder once again.

The next moment, the Demon Child Elder waved his hand, and Kuang Weiping turned into a page of a book, experiencing a moment of daze.


When Kuang Weiping regained his senses, he was already at the Moon Demon Cliff, not far from where the Corpse Collection Team was.

However, the place looked different than it had three months ago, it had turned into a battlefield ruin.

As the battlefront shifted towards the Wanyu Ordinary, the chaos here lessened.