Chapter 496: The 2nd Infant God

"What's the big deal, you've never been part of the First Heaven God Monarch's defense squad, that sight... unforgettable for all eternity!"

"I wish they would just come and throw their lives away! I've been helping the Patriarch with preparations for defense recently and noticed that he's been meeting with the uncles from the Sect more frequently. They all look more serious than usual and it's giving me an uneasy feeling that something big is about to happen."

"Even after all this fighting, what else big could happen?"

"Yeah, Senior Brother Lin, with our current stalemate, wouldn't it take at least eight to ten years before anything significant happens?"

"By the way, do any of you have tasks involving the Mortal World? Recently there's been a sudden surge of messages from above, demanding strict inspection of the Mortal World, even allowing special controls if necessary, to restrain any heretical cults."