Chapter 499 Task Attempt

With Wang Zijia's words, the light screens around him quickly extinguished, leaving less than a hundred in a moment.

"Subtract the royal family, the surrounding large clans, sects, and so on. Targets in the clan with an Infant God."

As Wang Zijia's words fell, more than half of the light screens went dark again.

"Exclude those who do not have Infant God cultivation methods, those who don't have enough Tao Law chapters to break through to the Infant God, and those who don't have enough accumulated value."

The other conditions were tolerable, but the first two almost exclusively narrowed down to small factions or independent cultivators.

It was already difficult enough for such people to cultivate to the level of Perfected Ones, let alone possessing a fourth-grade cultivation method. These were just too few and far between.

Therefore, after Wang Zijia's third set of words, the left light screens were significantly fewer, and in a moment, only five remained.

Name: Guan Yanxia