Chapter 506: Ancient Divine Country? Great Injustice Seed?_2

This was no mountain range; it was clearly the skull of a giant creature.

Who knows if it's because it had remained motionless for a long time, or for some other reasons, it had grown all kinds of trees.

And the illusion, it wasn't meant to cover the valley, but to hide this giant creature!

What was covering the valley was only a portion of the array!


Li Xingming eagerly stepped through the space gate, as if expecting something or making his last stand.

However, when he stepped through, his eyes were greeted by a space the size of a basketball court, surrounded by gray space walls and a sparse ground of rubble. Aside from that, there was nothing else.

Constrained space, desolate environment, you could see everything in a glance. There was not the slightest trace of a Divine Kingdom here.

His face fell. He looked around without seeing an exit, nor Wang Zijia, and dispiritingly said to Gui Cheng beside him:

"So it turns out I'm really not destined for this place?"