Chapter 505: Setting Out

As the incense merged, a look of joy gradually appeared on Wang Zijia's face.

The statue, which had just been perfected through a spiritual sacrifice, began to change too. Its perfect gleaming crimson body darkened slightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of its mouth.

At the same time, an indescribable aura, reminiscent of the Chaotic Burial Mound, began to rise from within the statue.

It was wrapped in a gloomy aura and looked exceedingly wicked, as if consumed by demonic flames.

The god statue, which a moment ago was full of Zen and radiated with immortality, transformed into a demonic god with a mischievous smile in the blink of an eye.

It stared at itself with a strange expression.


Wang Zijia's smile froze on his face!

No one's first impression of this statue would be that of a venerated Immortal or Buddha, but of a horrifying demon or ghost!