Being sealed in a piece of paper by Wang Zijia for a day was equivalent to being tied and hung on his person.

While the manifestation may differ, the essence was largely the same. Even with the cultivation level of a child, Li Shengshi still felt uncomfortable all over his body.

"Eat something, rest tonight, and continue tomorrow!" Wang Zijia said indifferently. The cultivation levels of both the turtle and the child were low, especially as Li Shengshi found long-term fasting difficult to achieve.

"Ninth Brother, what are we doing, why don't we go straight back to Kyoto?" Li Shengshi questioned, unable to understand the situation.

Wang Zijia glanced at him and said indifferently, "I explored around today and found a Mysterious Domain forming here. Unless we catch the Illusion Master, once it matures, it will wreak havoc, causing lives to be lost and bringing total destruction."