Chapter 519: Someone Comes to the Palace_2

"Let's go!" said Li Shenghui, looking at Wang Zijia, ready to board the ship.

"Where to?" Wang Zijia remained unmoved, asking in spite of his foreknowledge.

"Ha! Ninth Brother, we brothers don't need to pretend anymore. You caused such a commotion at the Changbao Border in just over four months."

"Quelling the beast tide, blocking the Mysterious Domain, saving thousands, he truly is a Sword Immortal of the era. Sword Immortal Li Shenghong, the exiled youth dragon of Daqian, what a reputation! Us brothers hear about it all the time in Kyoto."

"You devised intricate plans causing such commotion, isn't it just to return to the clan and regain attention? What, now that you've succeeded, you still want to keep playing your savior game under the guise of Sword Immortal Shenghong?"

Perhaps because of Wang Zijia's fame, Li Shenghui was disdainful, feeling that Wang Zijia was ruining the rules, losing, and yet still stirring things up through public opinion.