Chapter 523 Arrangement

"Shengshi and the others are too young. Even if they were sent back to Kyoto, without any power to protect them, their growth is bound to be rough. I guess you don't want to see that, do you?"

"No, Ling'er is still very young. She can't care for a person. Ling'er needs her father!" The little tortoise was crying as she said, "Father, you must not abandon Ling'er like mother did."

Listening to her, Wang Zijia felt a ripple in his heart.

He reached out his finger and took her out of his bag.

At this moment, the little tortoise was looking at Wang Zijia with tearful eyes.

Wang Zijia gave her a signature, clean, clear smile that was so unforgettable.

"Let's make a pact, Ling'er. You help me watch over this family for eight thousand years, and I will come to find you just as promised. What about the issue of your early inheritance affecting your cultivation? Your father will find a solution for you later, okay?"