Chapter 526: Appearance

After a moment, Wang Zijia chilled out a bit after confirming that Tang Keli in front of him was harmless. He said, "Tell me about this incident."

"Reporting to Ninth Highness, the incident should have started several months ago..." Tang Keli narrated.

Wang Zijia frowned and cut him off, "You said several months ago? The report claimed it was around forty days. Are we trading facts with shrunken tales now?"

"Ninth Highness, you've misunderstood!" Tang Keli immediately replied seriously:

"The actual incident did begin forty-five days ago, but according to my investigation, the Ming family had people disappearing even before that. However, it wasn't serious at the time. First, it was three to five people and then about a dozen..."

"For a clan as large as the Ming family with hundreds of thousands of people, a daily disappearance of a few people is normal. Some things are not related, and when reporting, I dared not include some speculations."