Chapter 533: Hidden Tower Gathering

With a wave of his hand, it seemed as if the power of the entire Duobao World had been mobilized. In a movement of Wang Zijia's hands, it converged into an array of strange runes. The runes, like stacks of bizarre kindling, were hammering at the human skin.

The skin started to squirm slowly, gradually cobbling together to form a Wang Zijia with a sinister smile.

The broken areas kept squirming and sticking together, but they couldn't be repaired for a while.


"Value -1 million!"

Wang Zijia spewed out a pile of crystal sand-like Blood Droplet crystal Essence Blood.

As the crystal burned and transformed into bizarre runes that rushed into the human skin, the skin's repair speed gradually accelerated.

After five repetitions and a consumption of five million value points, the Skin Demon Instrument Body was finally restored to its original form.

Taiji: 1761 million