Chapter 534: Reincarnation of Sword Immortal Surprises Changbao_2

With a smile, Wang Zijia's magical power fluctuated as he descended underground.

After delving dozens of feet, Wang Zijia felt obstructed by an array, unable to continue his descent.

The array was impressively high grade, peaking at the sixth grade, stealthily penetrating it was way too difficult!

"Knock on the door?"

"Or should I call someone to open it?"

Wang Zijia pondered for a moment, eventually finding neither option appealing.

Suddenly, an idea caused Wang Zijia's eyes to sparkle.

"Doing this seems a bit ostentatious? Well, then let's just go full-on high profile!"

Wang Zijia made his decision and quietly withdrew.


Today's Sword Burial Valley was just like any other day. Bathed in the morning light, this ancient town of thousands of years history, where celestials and mortals coexisted, gradually woke.

As the morning sun rose, it became increasingly busy.

People, illuminated by the faint red morning sun, began their new day.