Chapter 540: Primordial Magnet Liangyi Sword

Including matters at Changbao Capital and even the control of the Dragon Vein Formation, all could be accomplished with Li Shenghong's Ninth Prince's Order, a power comparable to Gui Ling'er.

Even when controlling the Dragon Vein, it came more naturally to him than it did to Gui Ling'er.


The Underground Heritage Hall was not a particularly large subterranean structure, comprising four levels in total.

"Honoring the Ancestor!" Right after Wang Zijia entered the hall, several elders hurried into the main hall and paid their respects to him.

Most of them were Perfected and Sacrificial wine cultivators, and since Li Wangzu was not present, there were no Infant Gods.

As the defender of the underground palace, Li Wangzu was formerly the ultimate power here.

Wang Zijia gave a slight nod and declared bluntly, "I am here for two inheritances."