"Transformation using a prosthetic body isn't anything like the Painted Skin technique."

With that, Wang Zijia said no more, and the sleeve also ceased its movement.

For now, Wuyouzi wasn't much of a help, but it was good to have him around as a precaution.

Having checked himself, Wang Zijia hesitated no longer. Along with the Skin Demon, representing two disciples, they returned the way they came.

Upon arriving at the entrance area of the underground palace from before, he reached into his sleeve and pulled out his Identity token.

The array waves fluctuated, the main gate opened again, and Wang Zijia cautiously stepped inside.

As soon as he entered, he felt scanned, causing his body to tense slightly.

Luckily, nothing unexpected happened, and he was able to blend in successfully, which allowed him to breathe a quiet sigh of relief.

Past the main gate, Wang Zijia found that the core area was still a labyrinth of tombs in the underground palace.