Chapter 554 Control Room

But to be exposed before even going in, that was just a head-on confrontation, the difference was huge.

Xuanming hesitated for a moment.

Seeing this, Wang Zijia quickly added some sweeteners. He said, "You can guess why I am here. The moment we slip in, even if we are discovered, we can fight back and destroy the core formation room."

"At that time, when I start the battle, you will have the chance to find the person you're looking for amidst the chaos. I'll take the pressure, it's you who stands to gain. For you, it's a win-win situation."

Xuanming wasn't swayed by Wang Zijia. He thought to himself, that he couldn't squat here for long anyway, the present method was the best one.

Luckily, he didn't hesitate anymore.

He flipped his hand, and a jade talisman, as wide as two fingers and seemingly piled up with runes, appeared in his hand.

It looked like a Fu Treasure, or some sort of special talisman weapon, similar to Wang Zijia's Void Spirit Jade Talisman.