Chapter 37: The Mysterious Shop in the Black Market

Leonard Churchill was startled for a moment, was she asking him?

It seemed so.

He was very doubtful and wary in his heart, but he responded, "Hmm. Just asking casually."

Leonard Churchill confirmed that the two had no connection.

In Sinless City, one must always be cautious about any advances from strangers.

The woman had sharp instincts and seemed to see through his thoughts, but she didn't care at all.

In Sinless City, if you didn't even have this level of caution, you would have been dead long ago.

With a casual tone, she directly said, "If you really need it, you can go to the 'Silver Star Mysteries Shop' in the black market of Dark Rain Street. Just tell them Seven Brown recommended you."

Ah, she really knows?

Leonard Churchill didn't know why this stranger would be so kind as to give him a recommendation.

Did she have an ulterior motive?

It didn't seem so.

Was she a person of the Fourth Master of the Miller family?

No, she wasn't.