Chapter 38 Annihilation Bomb

Just as Leonard Churchill entered the Black Market of Dark Rain Street, a squad of people had been staking out the area here for several days.

This was an elite squad from the Blackwater Mercenary Group specialized in hunting down targets.

They received death orders to find the two Curse Card apprentices who had previously cleared Space 407.

There were many such hunting squads in Sinless City, and wherever there was a large population, there were men arranged by the Governor's Mansion and the Miller Family.

But this was already the fourth day.

The scent was already indistinguishable, and the portraits only showed them wearing gas masks. The only reliable physical traits left were their heights, but even that could vary greatly with different pairs of shoes.

With such scant clues, finding two such individuals in the vast sea of people in Sinless City was nearly impossible.