Chapter 91: Settlement (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Monthly Tickets)

The surgical knife was too sharp, he barely felt the pain.

The werewolf—who was running at full speed—stumbled several meters forward before realizing that his left leg had gone numb.

It immediately recognized what had happened.

As expected of a werewolf transformed from a fighter.

Even on one leg, it abruptly pushed off with force and struck Alison, who was close in its reach.

A spray of blood shot out.

Alison was thrown dozens of meters away, her frail body heavily crashing into a corner of the tunnel, losing consciousness on the spot.

The ferocity of the A-rank catastrophe was clear - just one swipe was enough to speak volumes.

At this moment, Liam Martinez, clad in heavy armor, arrived.

The werewolf's mobility was limited due to its broken leg, presenting him with an opportunity to charge at the creature with his shield immediately.

Tracy Garcia quickly appeared beside the unconscious Alison.