Chapter 117: Kidnapped an Angel (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Monthly Ticket) _5

Leonard Churchill and the others kept their expressions unchanged; they had already anticipated this.

Elder Clinton continued, "However, an angel is a high-ranking creature that would never willingly submit to being manipulated by humans. Even if it's just a residual soul, its instincts would want to escape from such magical servitude. Previously, it was likely guided by the presence of the Holy Nail, and hence followed you around."

The five nodded in agreement at this explanation; their logic seemed sound.

So, what's the solution?

Elder Clinton was straightforward, "I have an idea... if you use this nail as a host for his soul, you might be able to contain him and free him from the spellcaster's control."

The Weeping Angel seemed like a source of corruption.

The ability to kill people and extract souls was passively released.

It had no subjective consciousness at this point.

Once contained, the threat would be eliminated.

Or at least significantly reduced.