Chapter 121: Seeing Seven Brown again as a Meat Ticket (Seeking Subscriptions, Seeking Monthly Tickets)_3

Clearly, things were not going to be simple.

After all, there was still the 'Boxing King' Abel!

Seeing his own men suffer heavy casualties upon contact, Abel's face turned cold.

The firepower of the Flood Gang was far superior to what he had previously experienced.

Abel knew he couldn't continue to let this drag on.

His entire body, filled with Curse Power and Gang Air, formed into a fierce burning tiger, and he charged towards the dozen or so motorcycles.

He was very agile, even the range-bound trajectory of the Gatling couldn't keep up with his dodge displacement speed.

Moreover, even if he was hit, aside from being slightly hindered, it wasn't a big issue.

The special enchanted bullets hitting Abel's Protective Gang Air had no effect at all.

This was the absolute combat power suppression brought about by the tier of the card master.

Firearms pose less and less of a threat in front of a second tier card master or higher.