Chapter 124: The Important Sword Must Be Arranged (Seeking Monthly Ticket)_2


"Elder Miss, aren't you going home now? Nine Master is really worried about you."

"I have something else to do. You guys go back."

"Shouldn't we leave some guy?"

" Do I need your protection? By the time you arrive, there wouldn't even be a body left to find. Tell the Old Man about the situation, and stop the fighting for now. I have something else to handle tonight, you guys go back first."


Seven Brown gave a few orders.

Only then did the members of the Flood Gang learn what occurred, breathing a sigh of relief simultaneously.

If a fight really broke out, Sinless City would be thrown into chaos tonight.

It's a good thing that the matter was revealed early.

The members also knew the seriousness of the situation and must return to the city to deal with the conflict that had already ignited.

They also knew the temperament of the Elder Miss, and no one dared to speak more once she made a decision.