Chapter 132: The True Identities of Camilla and Tracy Garcia

For other card masters, Leonard Churchill's current style of combat might seem a bit tricky to handle.

Werewolves are naturally adept at hiding their traces. Paired with the Relic Cloak and the Shadow Submarine, the Underground City of Sinless City provides ample opportunities for ambushes.

Same Tier professionals often don't notice the attack until it's too late.

Even if a Second Tier assassin can't be eliminated, they would transform into a brute, mindlessly chasing to kill.

With absolute Agility attribute supremacy, the opponent definitely won't be able to escape.

For fragile professions, like the time he killed the Curse Witch, unless they can eliminate Leonard Churchill quickly, it's a complete slash and bash game once he gets close.

For sturdier professions, like the Second Tier in front of him, they can neither run nor match his strength. They could only trade injuries, with the wolf claw swishing and the surgical knife stabbing at random, quickly ending the fight.