Chapter 137 [Yama·Five-eyed Evil Cat]_2

It happened to hit Young Master Saul Miller, who was terrified and unable to move below.

There was a "thud".

The solid ground had been smashed into a huge cracked pit half a meter deep.

Leonard Churchill felt as if every bone in his body had been crushed, and he coughed up a mouthful of old blood.

But he still struggled to his feet.

He staggered, obviously badly injured.

But at this moment, Leonard's face was adorned with an extremely bright smile.

Because he was holding Saul Miller's head in his hand.

As if wringing a chicken, he held it up in midair.

Feeling as if his high emotions had finally found a vent, he let out an unrestrained laugh from his throat: "Hahaha..."

Such a frenzied laugh sent shivers down the spines of the Miller Family's guards around him.

But they were powerless to act because they feared hurting the hostage.

The captain of the frost knights stepped forward and roared, "Quick, put down our Lord!"