Chapter 165: Light and Dark Corpse-Wrapping Cloth

As soon as Leonard Churchill returned to Lion City, he parted ways with Seven Brown.

His current identity was extremely sensitive. Even though he was temporarily safe, the subsequent troubles were enormous.

The X Bureau, Miller Family, Lionheart Family, Golden Oak Security Company...

If his identity was exposed, it felt like the various major powers in the city would almost all be his enemies.

But Leonard didn't think this was bad.

On the contrary, he felt that this life full of crises made him feel like a hunter hiding in a dangerous dark forest full of slow-moving creatures.

However, this lone hunter's experience was hard to share with others.

Seven Brown understood this too.

So, she went to the station alone and boarded the nearest train back to Sinless City.

She was ultimately going to follow her path of becoming a mechanic.

Whether they meet again or not after this farewell, it had become a significant part of both their lives.