Chapter 174: Why do you want to kill me? _2

Catherine Carter: "..."

The corners of their eyes all twitched.

Still, their gaze fell on Leonard Churchill in unison.

Whatever Elder Clinton had said happened, must have happened.

Leonard was equally surprised and asked, "Why would I kill her?"

Elder Clinton's memory apparently failed again and he muttered, "How would I know? Maybe... you two had an argument."

A pure guess without any basis.

Leonard was left speechless, dismissing the nonsense about their relationship, he retorted, "Does an argument justify murder?"

Catherine's crystal-clear eyes flickered as she fell into deep thought.

She didn't think that Leonard would kill her without reason, but it seemed that due to the possibility of time reversal, death had become less terrifying.

As she tilted her head to look at Leonard, a knowing smile curved up at the corner of her lips, she too wondered aloud, "Mr. Leonard Churchill, I'm curious as well, why would you want to kill me?".

Leonard just shrugged.