Chapter 204: The Gamble

Leonard Churchill felt that since Noah Wright was previously the only person who could see through the flaws of the Gravity Domain, he definitely wouldn't be unaware that he couldn't endure the Kingship Holy Flame. He wouldn't have rashly thrown away his life.

Therefore, Mushroomhead's actions just now must have had some deeper intention.

However, Leonard didn't ponder whether Noah Wright was truly dead or not.

The higher the tier, the more bizarre the Extraordinary Methods.

Camilla, with her body of Elements, Vivian White, whom he had encountered before, and Old Cook, who was proficient in Necromancy... To some extent, they all had abilities akin to immortality.

Even Leonard himself, with the "Curse of Immortality" blessing him, would find it difficult to die.

What puzzled him now was, what exactly drove Noah Wright's actions?

However, before he could figure it out, Camilla had already rushed toward the Holy Grail.