Chapter 228 Reuel Bible Defects

On the earthen slope outside the Upper State Prison, amidst the pitch-black darkness, a figure emerged from a hole in the ground covered in dust and dirt.

The barriers of the Upper State Prison could contain the miners, but they couldn't trap a top fighter like Barre Shepherd.

The old man had already spent many years in the mine and knew the situation inside the tunnel better than anyone else, including the vulnerabilities of the barriers.

Then he had shown such a path to Leonard Churchill.

Locating a weak point in the barrier, Leonard had broken through and emerged above ground.

Leonard stretched his body, his joints cracking loudly.

His muscles ached so much he grimaced and couldn't help complaining, "Man... that old man really packs a punch."

In the past few days, in order to learn the "Overlord Fist," he'd taken a thorough beating.