Chapter 251 Daily Life going to Black Gold City_2


Leonard watched her serious expression, smiling silently.

But what he was thinking about was something else entirely.

How much longer could he stay?

His intuition told him

that he couldn't possibly stay long in this wonderful journey through time.

And as his "weakened state" gradually improved, this feeling became stronger.

Lost in thought, Vera, noticing his somewhat melancholic mood, asked, "What's wrong?"

Leonard shook his head.

Vera's eyes twinkled with intelligence as she said, "Hmm... I've noticed you often seem distracted."

Leonard offered an explanation, "Oh. Just thinking about things, got a bit lost in thought."

Just then, the sound of a train whistle came from outside the carriage.

The train had entered a bustling station.

Black Gold City, they had arrived.


The carriage door opened, and Vera, like a qualified tour guide, announced, "Welcome Mr. Leonard Churchill to my hometown—Black Gold City!"