Chapter 169: Nine Deaths, One Life_1

Lady Toad's movements were so formidable that Li Fan gave up even attempting to flee; instead, he simply followed the tunnel along the crystal vein, believing that things would straighten themselves out. He was curious to see what the toad was truly scheming.

Xuanming true qi is white, and Guidust true qi is blue. Li Fan couldn't distinguish whether the crystals in the vein were quartz or another type of gemstone. However, they seemed to be tainted by the earthly true qi, emitting a mingling of blue and white glows that were quite pleasing to the eye.

The particular vein that Li Fan followed, guided by Lady Toad, seemed more like a path forcibly blasted through a massive crystal. It was clear from the smooth, blade-cut cross-sections of the fractured crystals nearby that the work was that of the ancient immortal who hailed from the mountaintop domain above.