Chapter 192 Fierce Battle; Inviting you to Join the Tiandu Dragon Slayer (5.2K asks for monthly ticket subscription)_3

The smile on Zhao Baiyang's face intensified by a fraction as he spoke slowly, "I am here today to invite Brother Pei to participate in a certain great cause."

He deliberately paused for a bit, anticipating Pei Xuanjing's response.

Even though Pei Xuanjing had a vague idea of Zhao Baiyang's intentions from his prior experiences, he didn't want to spoil the occasion.

He praised Zhao Baiyang's words and made sure they didn't fall to deaf ears. After all, considering Zhao Baiyang's capabilities, he deserved respect from Pei Xuanjing, even as an adversary, there was no need for any insult.

"Lord, speak your mind." Pei Xuanjing portrayed a demeanor of attentive listening.

Zhao Baiyang smiled and nodded, then expressed shocking words as he voiced each one calmly, "I invite Brother Pei for one great cause, entering Tiandu to slay the dragon!"

Enter Tiandu to slay the dragon!