Chapter 205 - Sword of Heaven's Will: Debunking the Evil and Cutting Demons (5.2K Major Chapter)_3

Meanwhile, compared to his opponent, Pei Xuanjing appeared somewhat more disheveled. Though his clothes were intact, there was a shallow wound on his left cheek, from which a stream of fresh blood leaked.

The attack's intensity is evident as it was powerful enough to leave a mark on Pei Xuanjing's face, reflecting the frightening strength of the Celestial Master's previous sword.

"Did he lose?"

The spectators thought about it inwardly but didn't dare to break the current silence.

Now in the martial arts field of Dragon Tiger Mountain, although crowded with people, no one dares to speak. It is eerily quiet, with only the sound of the howling mountain wind remaining.

After who knows how long, Pei Xuanjing, touching the wound on his face, slowly uttered, "Technically, the Celestial Master should have won by now, but I am still unwilling to admit defeat."